Bite Helper Presentation

Its Better to Be Safe than Itchy!
BITE HELPER — A Revolutionary Wellness Device that neutralizes itch & irritation from insect bites in seconds by using Thermo-Pulse-Technology™
BITE HELPER is powered by proprietary Thermo-Pulse-Technology™ that delivers Concentrated Heat & Vibration to the affected area increasing localized blood flow and circulation - neutralizing and soothing the itch!
BITE HELPER is a Drug-Free Proven Wellness Device to stay Itch Free and prevent possible infection.
BITE HELPER is designed to work on neutralizing itch and irritation caused by insect stings and bites from mosquitoes, flies, bees, wasps and ants.
National TV News Coverage of Bite Helper
Its Better to Be Safe than Itchy!
BITE HELPER is Drug and Chemical Free.
Maxogen Group – Humanitarian Contributions

Maxogen Group LLC, the developers of Bite Helper™ is dedicated to creating new Health & Wellness products that are Effective, Safe and Affordable to combat problems of living in the 21st century. At Maxogen Group our goal is to help consumer’s live safer, happier longer lives. “Innovation, Functionality and Success” are the core principles that motivate us everyday at Maxogen Group to deliver new innovative products for you.
Maxogen Group allocates a portion of sales to humanitarian causes. At Maxogen Group we understand the need to contribute and work closely with leading Research & Development institutions that study the latest outbreaks of Zika, Malaria, Dengue and other insect transmitted threats to all creatures living on Earth. We strive to educate people around the world on the importance of proper prevention & recovery methods against insect transmitted diseases.
Maxogen Group LLC
2719 Hollywood Blvd, Suite D-10
Hollywood, FL 33020